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Welcome to Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Primary School

As a family in faith, we rejoice, love and grow.

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Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in our school

As a school, we have adopted the "A Journey in Love" programme to support the delivery of RSHE. The foundational premise of this programme is one that believes we are made in the image and likeness of God. Throughout the year, children will consider the following aspects of love; physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. This will enable them to grow and develop healthily and holistically towards an understanding of their gender and its implications for successful relationships; they must be at ease with themselves and grow in self-knowledge. RSHE will work alongside Religious Education lessons under Liverpool Archdiocese guidance and in conjunction with our PSHE curriculum which has been updated in 2024. 


We would like to consult with parents about their understanding of the aspects we teach, when we teach them and why we teach them. We aim to ensure, as far as possible, that our curriculum is bespoke to the needs of our school community.


To enable us to consider and incorporate your opinions into our new policy and planning, please complete the parental questionnaire form below.



RSHE Policy

Our PSHE and PSHE Curriculum
