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Welcome to Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Primary School

As a family in faith, we rejoice, love and grow.

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Class 3: Year Three and Four

Welcome to Class 3


There are currently 33 children in Class Three; 20 Year 4 children and 13 Year 3 children.

Our class teacher is Miss Nightingale and our teaching assistants are Mrs Wragge and Mrs Penn. We are taught Languages by Mrs Wroblewski. We have PE every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.




Class 3's homework day is Friday. Every Friday, the children will be sent home with reading books for the week, maths homework will be set on Purple Mash and spellings which are set on this class page.

Your child's spelling group is in the front of their orange spelling book. The children will complete a spelling test every Friday. Please ensure that your child is practising their times tables daily. 

If you would like to contact Miss Nightingale, outside of school hours, please use the form below.

Miss Nightingale will endeavour to return your message as soon as possible.
