We regularly support CAFOD's appeal's to help those in our global family who are less fortunate than ourselves. We enjoy assemblies led by Angela from CAFOD who shares updates about their current work overseas. We pray for those most in need and are inspired to think of fun ways that we can raise money to help them.
Visits from CAFOD
World Gifts - December 2024
Our School Council met to decide on some fundraising ideas for CAFOD World Gifts. Councillors then took ideas back to their classes where children voted for their favourite ideas. Each class also voted for the gifts they could like to buy. Children brought in a small amount of money to enjoy a fun activity day, with some classes choosing to also wear their pyjamas!
Fundraising for CAFOD World gifts Advent 2024
'Brighten up for Harvest' - October 2024
We had a bright clothes and crazy hair day, as well as a cake sale to raise £227.50 for this appeal.

World Gifts December 2023
Our whole school target this year was £151, but thanks to the wonderful generosity of our families we raised an incredible £668! School Council members chose some extra gifts for us to buy.
The ‘Big Lent Walk’ March 2023

Our children from CAFOD club took park in the ‘Big Lent Walk’ by giving up a lunchtime play each week to walk or jog laps of our daily mile running track.
We are looking forward to taking part again this year, 2025, as part of our Jubilee celebrations. We hope to involve all of our school family and complete the full 200km!