Holiday Dates
Holiday dates for this year can be found below.
Parents are expected to support school attendance by avoiding family holidays during term time. Legislation only allows a Headteacher to authorise such leave in special or exceptional circumstances. By definition, special or exceptional trips should not occur regularly. Therefore, it is not expected that holiday leave will be requested on an annual basis.
Most children who are absent from school take a while to settle back into the routine when they return. They are often more disorganised as they have missed much valuable teaching input, they struggle with class work and many can become very frustrated and upset. They undoubtedly need much more intensive support from the teacher and assistants, who are therefore unable to carry out their normal classroom support. This is extremely disruptive and impacts on all the children in the class.
Please be aware that even a couple of day’s absence from school can have a serious, detrimental effect upon your child’s school life and academic progress. It may well result in him/her not achieving the expected national levels and their individual potential.
Our leave of absence form is only available from Mr. Kearon. Please consult the holiday dates below before booking your holidays, wherever possible. Should you wish to book a holiday which means your child will miss school, you will need to explain in detail why you cannot take your holiday outside of school time, and in some cases, give evidence to back up your form. If your break is not approved, your child's absence will be recorded as unapproved absence.