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Welcome to Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Primary School

As a family in faith, we rejoice, love and grow.

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Our Values

As a family in faith,

we rejoice, love and grow.



We will:

· celebrate and rejoice in our faith and experiences

· create an environment of respect where every individual is valued as a child of God

· provide high quality collective worship and opportunities to promote spiritual and moral development

· value diversity through our understanding of other faiths and cultures

· embrace all opportunities to experience moments of awe and wonder

· welcome parents and friends of the school to celebrations, acts of collective worship and assemblies



We will:

· offer service, compassion and forgiveness to others with Jesus as our example

· foster positive and supportive relationships whilst being sensitive to the needs of others

· reach out to the wider community by supporting those less fortunate

· involve ourselves in our parish family and local community events

· support the parish in preparation for the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation and Eucharist

· demonstrate our environmental responsibility for both our local and global community



We will:

· appreciate and encourage the gifts of every unique member of our school family

· give children opportunities and encouragement to try new things and aspire to achieve their full potential

· recognise that each individual learns in their own way

· value parents as the first educators of their children

· create a positive learning culture rooted in integrity and kindness that builds self esteem

· encourage resilience and the confidence to make mistakes

