Class 4: Year Five and Six
Welcome to the Class Four page!
Our Class Teacher is Mrs Morris who is also the Deputy Headteacher at our school.
Mrs McCluskey and Mrs Wroblewski are Teaching Assistants in our class and work with us every morning.
During the autumn term we will have PE on Thursdays and Fridays; please make sure your child has the correct PE kit and footwear in school for these lessons.
We will be learning how to play the guitar in Class 4. Children will be provided an instrument (unless they wish to use their own- must be 3/4 size) and must bring it to school every Friday.
Homework is sent out and collected in on Fridays: this includes a home-school reading book and a spelling activity. Please ensure that you sign and comment in your child's reading journal when reading at home. Math's homework will be set on Purple Mash each week, children will bring home a copy of their Purple Mash login and password at the start of term.
Children must bring a refillable water bottle in to school each day, as well as a piece of fruit for snack.
We're excited to invite families in to join us for Stay and Pray, topic celebrations and assemblies- please see weekly newsletters for more information.
Please speak to Mrs Morris, Mrs Wroblewski or Mrs McCluskey at the start or end of the day to discuss any questions or concerns.
Curriculum Map
Tower Wood Presentation to parents - September 2023
Follow us on Twitter Click on this link to find out about all the wonderful things that are happening in school this week.
Times Table Rock Stars Help your band and practise your times tables at the same time. You'll need your login and password - in the front of homework and spelling books.
Do you want to do some extra work? Use this website to find a topic you are interested in. There are lots of different lessons on here with videos and ideas to practise.
Practise SAT and 11+ papers Follow this link to download previous SAT papers and 11+ papers. All you need is a working e-mail address.
Maths games Visit Maths Frame for a selection of games to help with aspects of mathematics.
Homework Project Help A older website which may provide you with some help in researching - remember to always have three sources of evidence!
Top Trumps Play games online and find out about new editions of games here.
Do you need to talk to someone? If you feel like you need to talk to someone about something that is worrying you and you can't talk to a member of your family or someone in school, then don't worry. Click on this link to visit Childline - you can talk online or over the phone to someone who can help.
A link to MasterChef Visit this site for ideas in our termly competitions.