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Welcome to Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Primary School

As a family in faith, we rejoice, love and grow.

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Class 2: Year One & Two

Welcome to Class 2 - 2023-2024

In our class this year there are 17 Year 1 children and 13 Year 2 children. Our class teachers are Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Dilworth. Mrs. Cook teaches each Monday to Wednesday and Mrs. Dilworth on each Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Willan and Miss. Seddon work in our class every day helping with all our learning. Below are the details about important weekly things that happen in our class.


Monday: Homework bags brought back today please. Weekly spelling quiz

Tuesday: Homework bags sent home with 2 reading books, maths homework and spelling list

Wednesday: PE - full kit (including trainers) should be in school


Friday: PE - full kit (including trainers) should be in school 


Please visit this page regularly to see pictures and information about our learning.

Curriculum Map 2023-24

Curriculum Evening - September 2023

‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’ learning in the forest day - February 2024

Some highlights from last year in Class 2! (2022-2023)

If you would like to contact Mrs. Cook or Mrs. Dilworth out of school hours, please use the form below.

Staff will endeavour to reply as soon as possible.
